Bespoke Development
Pathway are FoxPro specialists. With over a decade of experience in development we are able to offer a comprehensive range of services based around the Microsoft FoxPro database environment.
- Fast data handling on large databases
- Object orientated design
- Integrates with Word, Excel, Outlook and Internet
- Interface with SQL and Oracle databases, as well as many other data formats
FoxPro incorporates a powerful database development language and sophisticated design tools. It outstrips other systems in performance on large data files as well as providing an upgrade path to SQL and Oracle servers. Visual FoxPro supports a fully object orientated approach to application design.
"As a Microsoft product, FoxPro based applications can link up and share data with other Windows based software such as email, word processing, spreadsheets and internet browser. FoxPro can take your client data file (which might be held in a Microsoft Access file), combine it with your Foxpro Sales management system to compile a Word document sales brochure, send the mailshot by email and then prepare an Excel spreadsheet ready for the sales team to monitor client response times – at the click of a button without any further interaction by the user. Oh – forget the button click, FoxPro can schedule the mail shot to run automatically after office hours."
- Fine tuned to client requirements
- Object based modular approach
- Customer controlled development
- Upgradable other data formats
- Secure
Backward compatibility with DOS and Windows 3.1 data systems
Represent FoxPro data as XML for internet applications
Support for Microsoft Com+ services (as client or server), Active Accessibility and Automation
Migrate to SQL Server without changing code